The "make peace" quest is a temporary truce, which ends upon you completing the main quest. The civil war is something that played a huge part in Skyrim.

However, there is a great difference between agreeing to such terms under the mere threat of war, and agreeing to them at the end of a long and destructive war. You have two sides, both of which are stupid. This treaty puts and end to the war for now, but part of what the US agrees to is that the Navy SEALs are disbanded now. It ended with the White-Gold Concordant when the Empire realized that the Aldmeri, or Thalmor, where a much greater force. However, I do have a profile where i haven't picked sides but did the "dragonborn" storyline. 'Black Panther' actor, model confirm romance rumors. If the Civil War is completed before "Season Unending," the peace conference will not be held, and the later quest will not occur.

The Battle of Old Hroldan was Tiber Septim's first significant victory in his now legendary life. You either side with the Stormcloaks and save Skyrim, side with the Imperials to control it for the elves, or stay out of it altogether. In my opinion, both the Stormcloaks and the Imperials are jerks. I chose this simply cause in most games like this where I can talk my way out of really bad situations I thought there would be … All the legionars are still in the main city's and all the talk says that the civil war is still on, I even run into stormcloak soldiers. However, the war reignited in mid 4E 203, after the assassination of Ulfric Stormcloak. These quests tie in to the Skyrim Civil War between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials. The whole point is just to stop the fighting long enough to deal with the Dragon threat. The #1 goal of all the mods I create is to enhance the replay value of Skyrim. The High King and each Jarl held a seat on the council. A large-scale civil war is taking place in Skyrim, fought between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks. Gamers across the world are torn by this moral question in Skyrim, which forces us to choose a side in the brewing civil war. Is it still possible to get the house in Windhelm if you end the civil war via the main story line rather than partaking in the war itself? If you download the Civil War Overhaul mod (can't link since I'm on mobile) you will be able to end the war without doing any quests.

of 7 - Civil War - In Depth Third Option, Possibly More - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: I think it would be neat to have a third option in the very dull civil war. The Skyrim Civil war started in 4E 201, and ended near the end of 4E 202, with a Stormcloak victory.